Ninja Saga Ultimate Money Cheat September 21/09/2010
Credits: AminKaulitz @ pwnthis (thanks to Richard for the email)
Do not forget, Ninja Saga bans accounts like drinking water. This means they ban you freely regardless of whether you cheated or not.
Do not forget, Ninja Saga bans accounts like drinking water. This means they ban you freely regardless of whether you cheated or not.
- Open Fiddler2.
- Go to Autoresponder. Check the options "Enable automatic responses" And "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests".
- Click ADD.
- Select the line that appears and change the "StringToMatch" to
REGEX:(?insx).*mission_2\.swf$. - In the textfield beside the save button, select Find A File and browser to the mission2.swf that you have just downloaded above
- Now just clear your browser cache..
- Enter Ninja Saga and finish the mission "Hardworking Student".
- You will get the A LOT of weapons to sell upon each completion.
- Do NOT ABUSE as said by the author. Just use it once and you will be rich forever.
masih work??
BalasHapusmasih work kok
BalasHapusgmn tuh gan ? ane ga bisa bahasa inggris wkkkwkw translate indonesia pls
BalasHapusbukan masalah bahasa inggris ato indonesia masalaha pada penggunaan filder nya aja,kalo udah bisa gunain filder seperti membalikan telapak tangan masang cheat pake filder,guampang bgt...asal,mao belajar...
BalasHapusgan kok ga bisa ? pas uda dapet item malah suru pake emblem
BalasHapus@tas pas udah dapet item kan emg itu dapetnya banyak otomatis donk u disuruh beli emblem,makanya baca tutor sobat....,abis dapet item refresh//reload kembai sayang,cinta,mmmhhuach
BalasHapusudah gitu bali kembali normal dah u jual"in dah tu barang